Titanium Tetrachloride

Intermediate material for the production of titanium sponge.
Used in a wider range of fields.

Our titanium tetrachloride is manufactured through the titanium sponge production process. Our packaging containers are available in a variety of sizes to suit the transportation method.

Titanium Tetrachloride


Grade TiCl4
color number
TLT-1 99.9min. 10max. 10max. 5max. 30max. 20max.

*According to the Chromaticity Indication Method of the American Public Health Association (APHA)

Container (packing)

Container [liters] Net weight [kg]
2,000 2,100
5,000 7,500
6,000 10,000
12,000 19,000

Physical properties

Molecular weight 189.73
Boiling point 136.4℃ (1,013.25hPa)
Melting point -25℃
Specific gravity 1.726 (15-20℃)
Vapor density 197.4 (oxygen = 16)
Vapor pressure logP=7.64433-1947.6/T (P:mmHg, T:K)
Critical temperature 358℃
Specific heat 35.7 cal/mol°C (liquid) (13-99°C)
Viscosity 0.826C.P (20℃)
Evaporation heat 8.96kcal/mol (25℃)
Melting heat 2.24kcal/mol
Thermal conductivity 0.073kcal/m.hr.℃
Surface tension 34.03dyn/cm (13℃)
Dielectric constant 2.83 (10℃), 2.79 (20℃)
Entropy 60.4 ± 2 cal/mol°C (25°C, liquid)
84.4 ± 1 cal/mol°C (25°C, vapor)
Heat of formation -198.5 ± 10 kcal/mol (°C, solid)
184.3 ± 10 kcal/mol (°C, gas)

Chemical properties

  • Reaction with water
    Reacts strongly with water and hydrolyzes with a large amount of heat generation.
    Example: TiCl4+H2O→HCl+Ti(OH)nClx
  • Reaction with alcohol
    Example: TiCl4+4ROH+4NH3→Ti(OR)4+4NH4Cl
  • Corrosivity
    Almost no corrosiveness to iron at room temperature. It is quite corrosive at 200°C or higher.
    Corrosion by HCI formed by the reaction with moisture is significant, and moisture in pipes and containers should be carefully removed.

Chemicals Planning
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