Group Companies
Group Companies
Toho Technical Service Co., Ltd.
Main businesses
Toho Technical Service Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the manufacturing and sales of fabricated titanium products. The company manufactures and offers various titanium products that meet customer needs using titanium ingots and expansile materials. The products range from materials such as forged products, finished machined products, welded products (towers, tanks, tank trucks, and heat exchangers), and insoluble electrodes.
Please feel free to contact Toho Technical Service with any inquiries regarding titanium.
Headquarters location | 3-3-5, Chigasaki, Chigasaki City, Kanagawa 253-8510, Japan Access map |
Tel | +81 467 87 2336 |
URL | |

Toho Material Co., Ltd.
Main businesses
Manufacturing and sale of potassium titanate and other titanic acid compounds
Plant location | 692-1 Tokiguchi, Tokitsu-cho, Toki city, Gifu 509-5122, Japan |

Toho Titanium America Co., Ltd.
Main businesses | Sale of titanium metals and catalysts for propylene polymerization and market research |
Office location | 651 Holiday Drive, Foster Plaza 5, Ste 400, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, U.S.A. |
Tel | 412-928-2055 |
Affiliated companies
TOHO WORLD Corporation
Main businesses
Through its educational programs and practical training that take advantage of the production sites of manufacturers, we develop human resources with the skills and capabilities essential for manufacturing in order to provide solutions in technical fields.
Headquarters location | 11-2, Otemachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kita-kyushu City, Fukuoka 803-0814, Japan Access map |
Tel | +81 93 953 6637 |
URL | |

Advanced Metal Industries Cluster and Toho Titanium Metal Company Limited
Main businesses | Manufacturing and sale of titanium sponge |
Office location | Yanbu, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |