− Policies –Governance


The Toho Titanium Group has established a code of conduct to prioritize compliance and conduct sound and fair corporate activities. In light of the spread of CSR and compliance concepts in recent years, we have expanded our code of conduct and revised the Ethical Norms in business for Toho Titanium Group significantly from the fiscal 2020, as we believe they should be put into practice to fulfill corporate social responsibility.

Basic policy for quality

We recognize that it is our social mission to continuously provide excellent products and services. Therefore, we set this basic policy for quality and follow it to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

1. Compliance

We thoroughly comply with legal requirements and maintain a deep sense of ethics.

2. Meeting customer expectations

We will accurately grasp customer needs and provide precise information on quality, and also offer products and services that are trusted and satisfying.

3. Continuous improvement

We operate a quality management system and promote continuous quality and service improvement.

4. Development of human resources

We strive to develop human resources who have a high level of awareness and responsibility regarding quality and services and actively take action for achieving high quality.

5. Care for safety and the environment, and provision of information

We create products while considering safety and environmental protection and provide appropriate information.

Yasuji YamaoPresident and Representative Director

Basic policy for establishing an internal control system

A system to ensure that the execution of duties by directors, executive officers and employees complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation.
  • We have established the Ethical Norms in business for Toho Titanium Group and are acting based on them.
  • The Corporate Ethics Promotion Committee has been set up to aggregate and summarize the legal compliance status of the entire group.
  • We have established and operate a whistleblowing system.
A system for storing and managing information related to the execution of duties by directors
  • Information related to the execution of duties by directors is appropriately created, stored, and managed as per laws and in-company rules.
Regulations and other systems regarding loss management
  • We have established the Risk Management Committee to regularly review and manage the risk management status of the entire group.
  • We have prepared in-company rules and manuals in case of an emergency. We have formulated a BCP for major natural disasters and trained our personnel for such cases.
A system to ensure efficient execution of duties by directors, executive officers, and employees
  • We have adopted an executive officer system and established the Executive Council.
A system to ensure the appropriateness of business in the corporate group
  • The Executive Council and other responsible committees regularly review the business performance and situation of subsidiaries.
  • We are working to collaborate with the parent company (JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation) by exchanging information as appropriate while ensuring independence.
A system to ensure that audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee are conducted effectively
  • Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee members attend important meetings such as the meetings of the Executive Council and grasp the execution status of important business.
  • The Audit and Supervisory Committee meets with the president and other management teams as necessary to exchange opinions on management issues of the group.
  • If any officer or employee of the group discovers a serious violation of laws and regulations, fraudulent activities, or facts that may cause significant damage to the company, they have to report it to the Audit and Supervisory Committee immediately.
  • We have a system in place to prevent those who report to the Audit and Supervisory Committee from being treated unfavorably.
  • We receive dual reports from the Internal Auditing Department on the results of internal audits and the status of whistleblowing, and we cooperate with them.

Basic risk management policy

The Toho Titanium Group has established the Risk Management Framework to accurately manage and respond to various risks surrounding its business and has established the following basic risk management policies.

  • 1.
    The Toho Titanium Group will ensure its business continuity and stable development through appropriate management and response to various risks surrounding the business in accordance with our management philosophy and fundamental policies.
  • 2.
    All executives and employees of the Toho Titanium Group strive to understand the status of potential risks in daily business execution comprehensively and constantly and pursue and implement optimal countermeasures to avoid or reduce significant risks.
  • 3.
    We will make sincere efforts to prioritize safe operation, ensure the quality and safety of products and services, preserve the global environment, and eliminate and mitigate factors that hinder profit growth for stakeholders such as customers, business partners, local communities, shareholders, investors, executives and employees.
  • 4.
    We will disclose and share information on risks and their management status to enjoy the sustainable and deep trust of all stakeholders.
  • 5.
    All executives and employees of the Toho Titanium Group will comply with laws, regulations and internal rules in accordance with the spirit of compliance, and each will autonomously consider what is ethically correct and act based on their value judgment.

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