Carbon Neutrality

The Toho Titanium Group has declared “carbon neutrality,” accomplishing virtually net zero CO2 emissions, as a global challenge in order to realize a sustainable society. We engage in a variety of measures toward the realization of a decarbonized society.

Roadmap for the accomplishment of carbon neutrality in 2050

Our corporate group is aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 40% from 2018 in 2030 and accomplish carbon neutrality by 2050 through measures based on a new titanium refining technology.

Roadmap for the accomplishment of carbon neutrality in 2050
Roadmap for the accomplishment of carbon neutrality in 2050

Main initiatives

– To decrease CO2 emissions from the manufacturing process to zero

  • New titanium refining technology, etc. (about -12%)

– Energy conservation/Effective energy utilization

  • New titanium refining technology, etc. (about -50%)
  • Thorough exhaust heat recovery/utilization, etc. (about -2%)

– Shift to green sources for the energy we use

  • Purchase of green power, etc. (about -25%)
  • Renewable energy production/participation in related projects (about -17%)

Regarding the development of a new titanium refining technology

Our company has engaged in the joint development with a U.S. company whose major business is the research into titanium refining, partially receiving support from the Strategic Energy Conservation Technology Innovation Program managed by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). As a result, we concluded that this technology is extremely promising from the viewpoint of reducing manufacturing costs, energy consumption, CO2 emissions, etc., and we launched a demonstration test at a pilot plant in FY 2022.
This new titanium refining technology will comprise the core of the vision for carbon neutrality in 2050 and we aim to put it into practice in 2025.

Regarding the development of a new titanium refining technologyRegarding the development of a new titanium refining technology

Steps of the process

Envisioned development of the new titanium refining technology

  • We conducted joint research with a U.S. titanium
    refining research company for 3 years
  • Pilot test launched in FY 2022
  • Aiming for practical use in FY 2025

This technology development is described in the “R&D” chapter, so please refer to it. Moreover, this new titanium refining technology as well as cutting-edge research and development our company has been promoting, such as the technology for the direct manufacturing of titanium foil by electrocrystallization and high-performance porous titanium sheets, was introduced as a PR article in the Nature Index 2021 Materials Science.

Nature Index 2021 Materials Science page (English):

Click for more information on the new refining technology.

Adopting CO2-free power

Our corporate group adopted CO2-free energy for the Chigasaki Plant, part of the Wakamatsu Plant and the Hitachi Plant in FY 2021 and the Kurobe Plant in FY 2023, respectively. We will promote the adoption of CO2-free energy to reduce carbon dioxide emission.

  • Chigasaki Plant

    Chigasaki Plant
    Chemicals Business
    Using CO2-free power since April 2021
    Catalysts Business
    Using CO2-free power since October 2021
    Titanium Metals Business (high-purity metal)
    Using CO2-free power since April 2022
  • Wakamatsu Plant

    Wakamatsu Plant
    Chemicals Business
    Using CO2-free power since April 2021
  • Kurobe Plant

    Kurobe Plant
    Catalysts Business
    Using CO2-free power since April 2023
  • Hitachi Plant

    Hitachi Plant
    Titanium Metals Business
    Using CO2-free power since October 2021

Participation in the Carbon Neutral LNG Buyers Alliance

In March 2021, our company established a Carbon Neutral LNG Buyers Alliance with 14 companies including Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
With the goal of making a contribution to the “realization of a carbon-neutral society” in 2050, we will popularize CNL in society and forge ahead with initiatives for receiving higher evaluations from investment institutions and establishing its position in different kinds of systems in Japan.

Envisioned future activities

Envisioned future activitiesEnvisioned future activities

What is Carbon Neutral LNG?

CNL is a liquid natural gas considered not to emit CO2 on a global scale even when combusted by offsetting the greenhouse gas released in the process from the mining to the combustion of the natural gas with carbon credits (carbon offset).

Carbon Neutral LNG

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